





Ofsted visited Mickleton School in September 2009 and we were delighted that they reported the following comments:


“…standards have started to rise.”

Rounded Rectangle: “…standards have started to rise.”

“Mickleton is a satisfactory and improving school.”

Rounded Rectangle: “Mickleton is a satisfactory and improving school.”


Many key strengths were recognised:-

Text Box: ·         the good start which children receive in the Reception class
·         the positive relationships formed between staff and pupils
·         the good behaviour and enjoyment of pupils, promoted by a shared set of values based on care and consideration throughout the school
·         a welcoming ethos where pupils are happy and confident and have positive attitudes towards learning and each other
·         a well-kept, attractive environment inside and out which stimulates curiosity
·         a good enrichment and extra-curricular programme which promotes creativity and good aspects of personal development
·         the strong leadership of the headteacher, which is leading to better outcomes for pupils.











Text Box: “Children get off to a flying start in the Reception Class and their good progress continues into Key Stage 1.”
“Outstanding leadership in the Early Years Foundation Stage leads to highly effective teamwork which focuses well on meeting children’s needs.”
“Relationships between adults and children are strong, warm and productive.”


We are very proud that:-






“Progress in Reception and Years 1 and 2 was seen to be good for all groups of pupils…………teachers have high expectations and focus on basic skills.”

Rounded Rectangle: “Progress in Reception and Years 1 and 2 was seen to be good for all groups of pupils…………teachers have high expectations and focus on basic skills.”





“Detailed plans are in place to support pupils with Special Educational Needs so that they make similar progress to their classmates.”

Rounded Rectangle: “Detailed plans are in place to support pupils with Special Educational Needs so that they make similar progress to their classmates.”


Commenting on children with Special Educational Needs the inspector said:-






The inspector also noted that:-

“Attendance is now above average……..punctuality has improved.”

Pentagon: “Attendance is now above average……..punctuality has improved.”

“….pupils’ behaviour is found to be good overall and exemplary in most lessons.”

Pentagon: “….pupils’ behaviour is found to be good overall and exemplary in most lessons.”

“Teachers enjoy very warm relationships with pupils and manage behaviour positively.”

Pentagon: “Teachers enjoy very warm relationships with pupils and manage behaviour positively.”






“All staff have a thorough understanding of how well the school is doing and what needs to be improved.”

Pentagon: “All staff have a thorough understanding of how well the school is doing and what needs to be improved.”

“The headteacher has begun to tackle the school’s weaknesses with energy and passion.”

Pentagon: “The headteacher has begun to tackle the school’s weaknesses with energy and passion.”






Inspectors observed several lessons in each classroom and commented that:-

“Over half of the lessons observed were good or better.”

“Satisfactory progress is made across Key Stage 2” - although the inspector noted that:-

Text Box: “Improvement in 2009 is evident from the significant increase in those attaining the higher level 5 in test results.”






Our pupils were superb ambassadors for Mickleton. Their joy and pride in their school was evident to the inspection team:-

“They relish being active and show this through their eager participation in activities before school, at break times and in clubs.”

Text Box: “The school and its headteacher clearly enjoy the confidence and support of parents.”


The inspection team felt that:-



Text Box: ·         “Improve the quality of teaching and learning so that it is always good or better.” This is the designated focus in our School Development Plan for 2009/2010.
·         “Increase the rate of progress that pupils make through Key Stage 2.” Our focus on basic skills and intervention to help children improve is already leading to improved outcomes. Again, this is part of our overarching development plan. 


There are, of course, things which still need work and improvement. We are already working on these areas and relish the challenges ahead. The inspection team felt that we should:-











You may rest assured that we will tackle these areas with ‘vim and vigour’ so that all of our children achieve to the very best of their ability and enjoy doing so. As the inspector said:- “The headteacher works tenaciously to improve all pupils’ educational opportunities and communicates her high expectations persuasively to staff.”

We will all continue to be tenacious and persuasive for the benefit of our children.

If you would like to view the full report then it can be found on the ‘Ofsted Report’ website. I am told that it will be published on Friday this week. The link you need is:-


If you would like a printed copy of the report please see Mrs Barnett in the office and she will gladly provide you with one.

The last word must go to our marvellous children:-

“We are a big team…..one happy family who enjoy being together.”